The idea is great, fruit juices, energy drink, love it. But the combination just doesn't hit me right. The taste isn't too sweet and I can see why other people would buy it, I wouldn't turn my nose up at it, but given the option I'd choose a Khaos.
I think some people may be put off because they can't really establish what it tastes of or what its made from, but that's not an issue for me. It could be industrial cleaner laced with moose hair for all I care, as long as it gets the combination right.
It is however mildly frustrating to almost taste lots of different juices but never put your finger on any of them. I've always got a slight hint of banana from this drink, but i think that might be psychological because the can is yellow.
The only downside to fruit juice based energy drinks is they feel a lot heavier. When I drink a regular energy drink I want to explore, run and jump at stuff, but with a juice based one I lean more towards doing stationary activities slightly faster.
That said, juice based energy drinks are perfect for breakfast, somewhere between a glass of orange juice and shot of adrenaline.
I'm afraid this isn't one of the greats in my books, but I'm sure some of you out there will like it so go and try one!
2/5 Slices
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